Saturday, December 7, 2013

        White Trash Vs The special need

                                                             The Special need
My Name is Dierdre Celeste Cortes. I have a form of Autism know as PDD.
I had Social Developmental delays and had sever child like qualities till my 30′s.
After escaping from the Cortes-Martinez clan I have received counseling and understand why I was targeted by these Pedophile. I also now have mild social developmental delays now. I test VERY high functional Autism now. As I learn and mature every day one thing I still can not Understand is Women that sexual exploit children or special need with their partners. I read all the expert reports but still I can not even Imagine doing that in fact I am a flaccid tetraplegia and had a splenectomy for my inability to adjust to Melinda and her goons life style even when I was severally socially delayed and at my most venerability of being manipulated or groomed.
Even at my most venerability I could not participate in the trafficking of people especially children. I meet Melinda when she ran to Georgia after the baby sell of her niece went wrong.
Melinda dropped out of Susan Moore High shcool after becoming pregnate. She let everybody asume it was her boyfriends and she moved in with him. around the end of her 8 month she told me she became worried that her baby was not her boyfriends but her father’s or Uncle’s. She claimed they had raped her from a small child. She claimed that when her boyfriend fount out he flipped out and beat her calling her a incest redneck whore bitch etc.. the baby died in her womb. She claimed that she refused to go home and went to live with her sister who was a prostitute at Baker motel in Gadsden Alabama. She claim that is where they met Loretta Gail.
I know that her sister and Loretta were infact prostitutes ar Baker Hotel because I met them there when Primitivo Cruz the pedophile took me to stay in the motel. I was instructed to not talk to them and not even open the door for room service because they were prostitutes and they will exploite me.So when Primitivo left for work I stay inside. We only stay about a week or two at that motel because he was afraid to leave me alone there. We then went to another hotel where the daughter of a farmer who was married to a mexican picker stayed so she could “cuidar” me while he was at work. About a year later Loretta and Melinda show up at our house in Georgia running from the scandel of “The Mexican Baby thrown into the Coosa river”click here to see slide show of news papers. I only stay a few days and left because I was afraid of the authorities showing up because it was on every channel of the TV in every state. I went and rented my own Apt with Public assistance then started being a translator at a company that made buses. In the few days I was in the house with them Melinda said she did not think she could live long with Loretta because she was being mean and going to tell a dark secret. Melinda then told me how she had only been a prostiute a few weeks. She said she didn’t want to go home to hr Dad and Uncle nor be a prostitute so she went home with Noe Martinez. Noe Martinez mother (who was a widow) got sick so he chose to be the one to go home to take care of her. She said Loretta kept demanding money for rent and for her to go prostitute at Baker motel. That’s when Moe Martinez told her to for get about Noe Martinez he ain’t comming back, but if she became her women he would pay her rent. She told me she was so desperate she did it. Then when Noe Martinez came back a few weeks later she fount out she was pregnate. So when the baby was born Loretta kept saying the baby was Moe’s not Noe’s. Melinda wanting to leave begain to blackmail Primitivo Cruz because he too was a possible father and he knew the Martinez brother’s would go ape shit if they knew. It is funny how most Mexican find it ok to share your wife with brothers but not their cousins for free. So Primitivo came to my house and demanded I leave it and every thing for her and her baby. Everything meaning my sons diapers, air conditioner, beds, frigirator, baby food etc.. he beat me up and the police came arrested all us quote “wetbacks” Then when I got out of jail for being beat up by them. Primitivo came back afraid of the police arresting me against I said ok and started to leave but he then said with out your baby and you need to pay a month rent for his Bitch Melinda. I said “usted estas pero bien pendajo” That when he beat me down then kicked me with steal toe boots, and choked me. When I woke up I new I was dieing I told him I was going to die if he did not take me to the Hospital. He then made me have sex with him and he told me to go to sleep you can leave tomorrow. I then looked him in the eye and said I am serious I am going to sleep but if I do I will not wake up and you will wake up with a dead body beside you. I had just begain to fade off to sleep when he decided to take me to the hospital. I was almost dead when I walk in the emergency room from sever internal bleeding every organ was ruptured. All my organ had to be stampled and my spleen removed. Then while in intensive care Melinda Dowdy Martinez came to my bed with me on machines, tube down my nose, tubes down my mouth, tubes in my stumpic and tubes up my ***. I barley could breath just so the ***** could highjack my house and every singlething I own. She wanted to know when I was coming to get my clothes. I guess she was pist because her fat *** was a size 18 and I was a 7 and could take over that as well.
If you ever talk to Melinda you can see the Hate and evil in her eyes she is one marked lady.
9 months later I was poisoned with organophosphate and became a complete quadriplegic. I still to this day walk with AFO prosthetics. This ***** has had the nerve to call me a pice of shit because I get SS benifits. There is so much more but for legal reasons I can not tell it all but one day real soon Melinda Dowdy Daugherty Martinez or what ever her AKA is, this week will get Justice, her and her Goons. Rather that justice is her baby selling ass burning in hell or is life in prison for what ever. I can talk about her hidding a 10 year old pregnant girl named Kathryn. Melinda let men have sex with this little girl at her house during parties then help hide her out at Lorettas house from authorities. This girl ended up being took to Mexico with these pedophiles and had babies at age 10,12, and 17. If you are friends with Melinda ask her why she will not take pictures of her children. It is because she is shame of how huge and obese they are.
you would think she would have treated their metabolic disorder before it got soo bad. This lady in my opinion is the lowest of lows and I am defenitly getting over the PTSD and stockhome sydrom because I finaly have gotton to the stage of no sympothy For Melinda. Loretta, Moe, Noe Issiah, Primitivo, Pablo, Domingo or any other evil child pedophile or the women that inable it!!!! The ***** is EVIL with a capital E I know she will deny all this Do you think this Kind of person would say yeah it true and face what she is about to face with all her GOONS Hell no
But let me ask you this What person would put this out on the Internet with there name attached to it. A person who has PROOF Baby to back it up!!!! Take me to court and lets see who comes out in handcuff Baby!!! Because PDD just means that we are socially delayed and not good with words like my writing skills and pronunciation. We are not stupid It fact most PDD have VERY super high Metric IQs (that’s what gonna get your asses) We just socially develope late. But I finally  got there baby and I have all the proof to fry your asses. Feel free to report this site to cyber FBI be my guess!

Born White Trash

Most Americans have heard of the country Song “fancy” by Reba Mcentire. Most can feel the emotion  of victory of the under dog making it out of the adversity. The statement “ I might have been born just plain white trash but Fancy was my name”  gives every one who listens to those words as since of hope for anybody from the most darkest place anyone may be due to being victim of circumstances. What happens, when that somebody has no hope? Either they were born in a complete dark place with no light of hope ever reaching that individual or unable to reach that light due to assholes preventing their escape. No matter what makes individuals loose hope the result is always one of two extremes. The one of the two that each individual  who looses hope becomes, depends mostly on what Psychologist call personality type. I personal  call it spirit type. We were made by a creator and the fact their is a pattern in personalities or spirits prove we are not from random chance. I also believe rather we  are of God or Satan predetermends how we react when we loose all Hope.  Which brings me back to being born “white trash”.  What is “white trash” Some say poor, Some say a persons whose life style is “trashy” and your white. No matter what one thinks fit the label “white trash” one thing most can agree on is that when one is a victim of circumstances and over comes it and chooses to be constructive and not destructive gives us all hope.
More often than whites, African-American  and Mexican- Americans are victims of circumstances but I choose to focus more on “white trash” in this blog because I have a personal beef with what I call true “white trash” in my personal life.  I will begin with my personal definition of “white trash” and even call out the name of the “white trash” that destroyed my life leaving my children and me, for ever severly disabled and emotionally destroyed.   White Trash : a white person who chooses to live with no morals, ethics or empathy for others with no limits to what they will do to another human for self gain. Now that I defined what I call “white trash”  I will call out the most “white trash” person I know. Melinda (given name) Dowdy(maiden name) Martinez (married named), Melinda Dowdy was Born to “white trash" in Alabama  and raised ‘white trash” in Blountsville, Alabama.  Being Born into a family with a long line of essence, no morals and ethics IS NOT anyones fault but when one grows up and learns to live better then willingly chooses to continue to live in the filth and un-Godliness is TRUE “WHITE TRASH” in my opinion. Now many may wonder why I call Melinda Dowdy  “White Trash” but not Loretta (given name) Gail(middle name)  Martinez (married).  The reason is this. There is a BIG deference from being born in to a Dysfunctional family than into a“white trash”  family. There is  common  feeling by the general public of total discuss for one who grows up learns better and chooses to participate in the discussing behavior in their own free will like Melinda has.  I my self was born into a dysfunctional family  and a Victim of circumstances like Loretta Gail Martinez. Many look at us and judge us from how far we are from the starting line of non dysfunction; but if one takes in consideration from where we had to start and the adversity generated from the circumstance we were born into, many will see we have ran a marathon even though we may still be miles from what the world considers the starting line of non dysfunctional.  A dysfunctional person strives to know better, and get out of the hell they were/are  born into. “White trash” enjoys where they are at and begin to “take advantage” of the other dysfunctional victim of circumstances trying to find their way out of their plight.   Loretta Gail Martinez made it out in a lot better condition than I did due to her spirit. She has a narcistic  personality and was able to “screw over” others in order to survive. I have a passive spirit that learned too late to be aggressive or worry more about me and my children .  Loretta Gail had many children that suffered due to being born into dysfunction but her last too got the better end of the circumstances due to her doing better as she learned how.  My two sons and Melinda Dowdy’s two sons got the worst end directly due to Melinda Dowdy’s EVIL WHITE TRASH mess and my inability to be aggressive or defended  myself as needed.  I had Developmental Delays so by the time I learned to be aggressive or defend my self against Melinda and her goons by condition was almost too far gone to even survive. And the conspiracy Melinda and her goons had conspire against me was/is so great only GOD him self could/can save me. The only thing good about by type of spirit is I have always LOVED everyone. And to truly LOVE you have to know GOD and when you know God you have the almighty on your side. The down fall, is God only intervenes when it is absolutely a must and EVIL people like to victims the passive and special need even more. Melinda Dowdy is about to feel the wrath that God has for her ass. Because her Mexicans and her corrupt grengos have went so far that many already see the wrath of GOD begin to unfold as a mountain size conspiracy begins to be exposed. Many are out raged about what has been done to us, most the world will be when it comes out. To have God intervene means he is PISSED because most of the time he lets us figure it out on our own so the ones who choose to, can grow spiritually.
But God also know when we can’t do any better because for what ever reason he made us special need or with limited abilities in that area. He knows I can not get out of this by myself. And I am beginning to think he made me with developmental delays just so all this would conspire just so what is about to happen would happen.
Melinda can not help that she was born to white trash. It is not her fault that she was raped by her father her whole life and impregnated by her uncle as a teenager nor is it her fault she had to be a prostitute to survive until she met Noe Martinez.  BUT it is her choice to raise her children with out an education, feed them like hogs till they weigh over 300 pounds hardly able to walk by age 12, Participate in treason, (you know what I am talking about)for greed, Participate in sexual exploitation of small children and to traffic and exploit illegal  Mexicans for labor.  Melinda has learned how to be better as the rest of Humanity does as they grow but chooses to not do better. I still am not to fond of Loretta Gail but at least I can understand her choices due to her spirit type. Plus I have learned most will not stick to their morals and ethics to the point of being left in the condition I am. I think sometimes I might been better to have been more selfish, in fact I am today able to defend by self very agressively and  I will now let  the other guy get screwed in stead of me, if need be. I also am more willing to call out people or stand up to them, like in this blog calling her white trash and think GOD still backs me.To stay in the “shit” like Melinda has and make it a permanent life style to exploit people and children for sick enjoyment and greed  is EVIL.   How hard is it to get a regular Job (Noe has papers now), pay your taxes with out laundring the money from trafficking  people, or not conspire against innocent people just to make them suffer.

Melinda, WILL your children visit you in federal prison?
Or will they be pissed you made them the most famous sons of white trash,  and left them in this SHITTY circumstance you made for them!
What will your children do when America cuts SSI? Who will wipe their ass in a few more pounds, pay their rent, or feed and clothe them?   Melinda,YOU are beyond EVIL!
 Because like the Bible says:  Even EVIL people know to give good gifts to their children.
BUT NOPE NOT YOU!  You even screwed your children  out of a decent Life.  I remember Melinda smarting off about some people getting saved and changing their life for GOD. She said
“ after people do their shit they, want to get saved and ask for forgiveness” Now I understand why she thinks that way.
 See, Melinda can not Imagine repenting or wanting forgiveness because she enjoys her life style and has no remorse. Which brings be back to how a person reacts with out any hope or which extreme one goes when born in such dysfunction they have to fight everyday to survive.  How one behaves, and the choices they make depends on their spirit. You have some like me the passive  spirit/ personality and  you have  some like Lorreta Gail a narcistic personality/spirit  but then you have some with the Narcistic personality DISORDER or  what I call  a child of SATAN! 
A child of GOD will choose to do better when they learn better no matter what spirit GOD made them  with rather it is narccistic  like Lorretta Gail or Passive like I was. A Child of SATAN uses what they learn to victimize their pray and enjoy the torture they inflict with pride. Being born into a dysfunctional family in not ones fault, they are victim of circumstances.
But being White Trash is far more complex and is ones choice because White trash is a person  who chooses to use their circumstance to victimize people at no limit  and with out any moral or empathy for anyone, not even their own children.  
Everyone uses their Intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual abilities to do the best we can under our own personal circumstances in this life. The choices we make can only be accurately and justly measured or judge by God because he is the only one who knows all. God knows all circumstances and where we are mentally, physically,emotionally,socially,spiritually. He also knows why we do what we do. It is natural to fight for survival, God put that in our DNA, but there is a different between Humans trying to survive as we travel down the road of life the best we can with what God gave us than demonic EVIL people that are here to destroy and bring misery in the name of Satan. EVIL people hurt everyone, any chance they get for self gain and enjoyment  no matter what  their circumstances are . This is where the saying  “just for the hell of it” comes from. Because EVIL people do it REALLY JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT!

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